Home loan news and advice

All the latest home loan news and top tips to help you manage your home loan.

The rates that stop the nation

The rates that stop the nation

It’s race day, and Aussies across the nation are placing bets on the Melbourne Cup hoping to pick a winner and pocket some winnings. But, if you’re after a more odds-on favourite way for your bank balance to gallop ahead, we’ve rounded up the field of some of the nation's best savings and home loans from the Mozo Experts Choice Awards for you to pick from!

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What is the average mortgage in australia

What is the average mortgage size in Australia?

For most Australians, taking out a home loan will be the biggest financial decision they can expect to make. As property prices rise over time, homebuyers must borrow more and more to enter the housing market and save up more and more for that critical first home loan deposit.

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