Car loan news and advice

All the latest car loan news and top tips to help you manage your car loan.

The new car loan offers you need to know about

The new car loan offers you need to know about

From a new pair of shoes to a tall bottle of red, many Aussies may already be preparing their Christmas wishlists. But for others, keys to a new car might be what they’re expecting to see in their stocking.

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Is your car costing you more than you think?

Is your car costing you more than you think?

With great power comes great responsibility - and with a great car comes even greater expenses. Contrary to popular belief, filling up petrol isn’t the biggest weekly expense for car owners, and neither is the cost of a car loan - for drivers on a good deal.

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New car loans hitting the market just in time for EOFYS

New car loans hitting the market just in time for EOFYS

Savvy shoppers have been waiting all year for this. Yes, that’s right, with June rapidly approaching so too are the end of financial year sales (EOFYS) that could see Australians snag a bargain on products as diverse as televisions to overseas holidays.

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