Your selected credit cards
Your selected credit cards
Planning an adventure abroad? Supercharge your travels with Macquarie Bank’s debit card! Enjoy seamless banking anywhere on the globe with universal acceptance. And the best part? Say goodbye to international account fees on all your overseas purchases, both in-store and online. Simplify your journey and keep your finances in check!
You block credit cards to verify ID after having held a Macquarie credit card for two years. But you don't contact said card holder first. The first you know about it, is when your card is declined. When contacting the bank you have to go through menu after menu only to hear on repeat everything you can do through your mobile app - THAT YOU CAN"T ACCESS. Then when you finally get to speak to someone, they won't discuss the issue unless you provide enough detail (through email) that if intercepted is enough to clone your ID. Went into a local branch, to be told they can't help - that isn't their job! Shareholders should know that the Adelaide branch is just for diplaying the wine collection - not for actually helping anyone. Then while Macquarie has gone cashless the customer MUST have a physical drivers licence to verify their ID even though the drivers licence states "Use of this permit/licence for the purposes, other than policing road traffic, is not permitted or authorised and is soley at the risk of the user".
After having a recent credit card compromise Macquarie Bank were so helpful and efficient. All of the money which was taken was refunded back into my account very quickly . Such a friendly service and I can thoroughly recommend them for credit card accounts .
I am not surprised to read that others have had the same experience with Macquarie as I have had. I had to change credit cards because ING randomly called me to say that I could not use my accounts for business purposes (read my side income which I am not even registered for GST, and which is NOT required by the ATO to have a business account). I was already with Macquarie for other accounts so wanted to simplify my banking by closing all my ING accounts and moving the remainder to Macquarie. That's where my pain began. I applied for a credit card after meeting their lofty criteria, in October last year. It was declined on the basis that I had not completed my 20/21 FY tax return at that time, despite evidence of my income being available from my accountant and PAYG receipts. They point blank refused to verify my income. It was easier for them to do no work and reject it. I appealed this and requested that the card limit be reduced to $6000 (from $15000 - it said there was an option to reduce the limit on the website, but that tab didn't work). This was again refused despite my 94% credit rating, a 20+ year history of servicing credit cards to the same limit and being a customer of theirs for almost as long. To cap it off they said they did not disclose how decisions were made. Good to see the banking royal commission made an impact on them re: transparency. I need to disclose everything and they get to be completely opaque in their processes. I have since completed my tax return and sent them a screenshot of the summary sheet (because no bank needs to hoard my entire tax return in an age of cyber hacks and Ransomware attacks). Despite this being the information they requested in order to verify my income and approve my application for their pathetic credit card, they repeated their mantra of 'this case is closed, you can reapply in 6 months’ time if your circumstances change". I have repeatedly told them that my circumstances will not change and have not changed. They just need to do their job, which seems to be the only barrier here. I am still waiting the Ombudsman to get back to allocate me a case worker (4 mths so far). In the meantime, last week I called to ask about reapplying for a credit card. He said I couldn't apply until after 6 months (Oct 2022) and said 6 mths would be 20th April, so it was "an option" for me to apply on 20th MAY. After going around in circles and him failing to see that what I was being told was illogical and his basic arithmetic was wrong, I asked for it to be escalated. He put me on hold, spoke with his supervisor and then said yes, I could apply from 20th April. Do they lobotomise their call centre workers, or was I really talking to a ChatGP bot over the phone? I had to call to (re)apply, so I did that this morning and now have to wait for FIVE to SEVEN business days for someone to get back with the pre-approval, after ascertaining that I meet their criteria - which they could establishing by summing the total of my accounts with them. Given their call centre guy couldn't calculate a date 6 months to now, I guess it must take 2 weeks to calculate more than 2 digit numbers. Moral of the story - find another bank before you become entrapped.
^See information about the Mozo Experts Choice Credit Card Awards
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