Energy savers: A guide to energy concessions in SA

Staying on top of your finances can be a common struggle for many Aussie households. If you’re in South Australia and keeping up with your energy bills is causing ongoing financial stress, it could be worth looking into the energy concessions that are offered in your state.
To get you on the right track, we’ve jotted down everything you need to know about applying for energy concessions in South Australia.
What do these concessions do?
Energy concessions are designed to lend a hand to financially struggling households by covering a portion of their electricity or gas bill. In South Australia, these are generally paid out on an annual or quarterly basis and appear as a credit on your bill.
Just keep in mind, the amount you receive will depend on the type of concession you are approved for.
What energy concessions are available in South Australia?
At the moment, there are six energy concessions you can apply for in South Australia, they are:
The Energy Bill Concession
The Energy Bill Concession is available to South Australian households with a low or fixed income and covers a portion of your energy bill. While the concession amount is indexed every financial year, for the 2019/20 financial year households can receive a total of up to $226.67 for their electricity and gas bill.
The Energy Concession Discount Offer
If you are a recipient of the Energy Bill Concession, you might also qualify for the Energy Concession Discount Offer (SAECDO) with Origin Energy. In addition to the Energy Bill Concession, Origin Energy will provide eligible customers a guaranteed, ongoing 20% off electricity usage and supply charges and a 11% discount on gas supply and usage charges.
There are also no late payment, paper bill, credit card or exit fees, plus concession holders will have access to flexible payment options, helping them better manage their payments.
The Medical Heating and Cooling Concession
South Australian households who have a low or fixed income and are also suffering from a clinically verified medical condition, which requires them to constantly use heating or cooling appliances, may be eligible for the Medical Heating and Cooling Concession.
Like the Energy Bill Concession, the credit amount is indexed each financial year, however concession holders currently can claim up to $226.67 per year.
Other than the standard eligibility requirements, such as a relevant concession card or proof of Centrelink benefits, applicants will also need to provide certification from their medical specialist that the medical condition can worsen due to hot or cold weather.
Cost of Living Concession
The Cost of Living Concession offers financial support for electricity, gas, water or medical bills for low or fixed income households. These concessions are distributed each financial year, meaning concession holders will need to submit their application by October 31 to claim the concession.
The concession amount depends on your financial circumstances, as listed below:
- Home owner-occupiers: $215.10
- Home owner-occupiers who are self-funded retirees with a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC): $107.60
- Tenants: $107.60
- JobSeeker Payment home owner-occupier: $715.10
- JobSeeker Payment Tenants: $607.60.
Those who have already applied for concession in the previous financial year and have not experienced a change in their living arrangements do not need to apply again.
Residential Park Resident Concession
If you are a concession holder living in a residential or caravan park, you may be eligible for the Residential Park Resident Concession. This single, combined concession can help with your energy, water or sewerage bills. Your concession amount will depend on your living arrangements and the utilities you pay for.
In the 2019/20 financial year, the concession amounts are as follows:
- Residents who own their own dwelling and pay for water, sewerage and energy: up to $537.47 per annum (paid quarterly)
- Tenants who pay for water and energy: up to $357.07 per annum (paid quarterly).
- And depending on your financial situation, you could also be eligible for the Cost of Living Concession.
Home Dialysis Electricity Concession
Households with a family member who is suffering from kidney disease and undertaking dialysis treatment at home could be eligible for the Home Dialysis Electricity Concession. This is a one-off payment of $165 every year that can be put toward the cost of having to run the dialysis equipment on your home.
Those looking to apply will need to complete a Dialysis Concession application form with their Health Practitioner. Just keep in mind that if you are approved for the concession, you will need to continue to submit an application each year.
Where do I apply for a South Australian rebate?
Applications for any of the listed South Australian energy rebates can be submitted through the South Australian government website or by email via concessions@sa.gov.au.
What do I need to be eligible for a South Australian energy concession?
While eligibility criteria varies between concession types, some common forms of information you might have to provide include:
A relevant concession card, such as a:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- DVA Gold Card
- Low Income Health Card
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC).
- Or proof of one of the following Centrelink payments:
- JobSeeker Payment
- Widow Allowance
- Youth Allowance
- Partner Allowance
- Parenting Payment
- Special Benefit
- Community Development Project (CDP)
- New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS)
- Austudy
- Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
- War widow pension under legislation of the United Kingdom or New Zealand.
Are there any other details I need to provide?
Other than proof of a concession card or Centrelink benefits, you’ll also need:
- Your Centrelink customer reference number (CRN) or DVA file number
- Information from your most recent electricity bill, like your account number, National Metering Identifier (NMI) number and billing dates.
If you’re not from South Australia, why not check out our other energy rebates and concessions guides for the following states:
Or find out how much you could be saving by switching to a better value energy plan by entering your postcode below.