International money transfers for business - David pays his suppliers
David is a chocolatier. Each month, he buys in €5,500 worth of genuine Belgian chocolate to sell in his Melbourne shop.
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Personal international money transfers - Colin buys a boat for his great Mediterranean fishing trip
Colin lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, just three blocks from the beach, so he’s a keen fisherman. He’s been dreaming of a Mediterranean fishing trip for years now, and since he’s just retired, he decides it’s time to buy a boat and set out.
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Small transfers case study - Anna sends a present home to Germany
Anna is from Germany, but she’s been living and working in Melbourne for the last 12 months. It’s her little brother’s birthday very soon, and she has saved up $200 to send back to him in Germany as a present.
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Large transfers case study - Ashley is moving to the U.K.
Ashley is moving to the UK from Australia for 12 months, and wants to transfer her savings into a local bank account to use while she’s there. She has AU$90,000 of lifesavings to take with her and after looking at her options, she’s decided an international money transfer is the best way to shift her funds.
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IMT case study - Rab saves enough to travel 6,600km around Scotland on his new motorbike
If you’ve done some research and read some guides on international money transfers already, then you probably know that the difference between an average and good exchange rate could be considerable.
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Case study - Jacky is looking to set up regular payments to New Zealand
Sydney local, Jacky has bought a house in her favourite holiday destination of New Zealand. She loves the fact that it’s a short flight away and comes with a much lower entry point than the overinflated prices of Australia’s major cities.
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