What is conveyancing? Costs and process explained
Buying or selling property can be a stressful process, but a conveyancer is one person we strongly recommend retaining to help you along the way.
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How much deposit do you need for a house?
Buying a home comes with all sorts of expenses. But before you get your foot in the door, you’ll need to save up for a house deposit and qualify for a home loan.
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Is it better to pay your mortgage weekly, fortnightly or monthly?
Most borrowers choose to pay monthly and don’t realise they have the option to make fortnightly or weekly mortgage repayments. But what if I told you that increasing your repayment frequency could save you thousands of dollars on your home loan?
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How to get a home loan in Australia: Our step by step guide
Buying a home is a huge financial commitment, and it can feel a little overwhelming if you’re not sure where to start. In our dedicated guide, we’re outlining all the steps for getting a home loan in Australia, and the factors you should consider along the way.
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Tips for buying at auction
Buying at auction is a popular home-buying method for many Australians. So what can buyers expect? How can you give your bid the best chance at winning? And how does the auction process impact your home loan?
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Is spring really the best property season?
Property dreams are made in spring, if the old adage is to be believed. It’s supposedly the best time of the year to sell and buy homes, but depending on your circumstances, that may not be entirely true.
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6 Things to consider before buying a house
So you’ve worked hard to save up for a home loan deposit and you’re probably concerned about the potential pitfalls ahead. It's clear that 2023 could bring some headwinds.
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Buying in an inflated market
When was the last time you looked at how the Australian dollar is fairing on the market? May be on the rise, but according to foreign investors, it’s still pretty low. What does that mean to you and I? Everything. From lower currency exchange when travelling overseas to inflated prices on average items we buy, day to day.
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